Polo Resources the London and Toronto listed natural resources investment and development company, announced Wednesday, that it has agreed to acquire TSX-V listed AXMIN Inc.'s ("AXMIN") 49 per cent. interest in Nimini Holdings Limited ("Nimini") for a cash consideration of US$9 million. Polo completed its acquisition of a 51 per cent. interest in Nimini on 29 September 2011 and will, upon completion of this acquisition, own a 100 per cent. interest in Nimini.
The transaction is expected to complete by 23 December 2011. Polo's joint venture agreement with AXMIN in respect of the Nimini East and West and Matotoka gold exploration licences in Sierra Leone (the "Prospects") will then cease and AXMIN will no longer have representation on the board of Nimini.
The news is another positive signal of the growing confidence the gold mining and exploration sector is having in Sierra Leone, where a number of analysts are saying that the country represents "Ghana Ten Years Ago"